Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Loudest of Silent Nights

It has been a long time since we met, my Tender Lumplings, but as we have talked about before this blogging thing is harder than you would think. Then add in the busy bustle of the holidays and it is even harder. But never fear that I have forgotten you. I'll aways return. I'm like Frosty the Snowman. Remember what Santa said about him. "He may go away for nearly a year at a time and take the form of spring and summer rain. But you can be sure that when a good December wind blows in, he'll be back"

So anyway a few things have happened since we met last. The previously mentioned holidays for one or two things. Thanksgiving was nice and yummy. Very filling. And then the mad rush to Christmas. It seemed to blow by so fast this year. One minute I'm eating turkey and the next we are wadding up the old wrapping paper and getting ready to take the tree down. Still it was a good time and a good holiday.

There have been some things I wanted to talk about here. A few points that I wanted to make. But now I don't remember some of them and I really don't feel like getting into anything too deep. I mostly just wanted to assure my Lumplings that their humble host and narrator is here. If we don't meet again until the new year then let me say "Happy New Year" And next year I will try to be more regular with my posts.