Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fuck the Mayans

Well, my Tender Lumplings, it seems another year is nearly gone and while I did much better and posted a lot more this year than in the past, it did tend to slow down in the second half of the calendar.  Why is this?  I don't know. Maybe on some level I actually believed the Mayans were onto something.  It could be that I was under some spell and it wore off.  But that isn't it either.  Mostly, I prefer to blame congress.  There were many times I wanted to write something about whatever was going on at the time like the election or some tragic event or the like.  But I didn't for whatever reason.  Sometimes it was because I couldn't organize my thoughts on the subject.  Sometimes it was because I knew I would piss off a lot of you and I don't want to do that.  Mostly, I was just lazy and didn't do it.  

So am I going to promise you that I will keep up my posting in the new year?  Promise to post at least once a week and twice on Sunday?  No, I'm not.  You wouldn't believe me anyway.  I will try my best to do as good as I have this year.  

I don't make new years resolutions.  I try hard not to make any promises about what I'm going to do or try to do in the new year.  This isn't to say I don't make plans.  Sure, we all do, but I'm no better at acting on those plans than anyone.  And if I make it a formal resolution, that is just like admitting I won't do it.  So, having said that, here are some of my ideas of things I might like to try and maybe do in the new year.

I want to catch up on all the TV shows I haven't been watching.  I have several seasons of certain series both on DVD and my DVR that I need to watch.  And I also want to watch a bunch of movies I haven't seen.  I would like to try to watch all the Hitchcock movies.  

As always there are the usual unfinished projects to tackle.  

I will continue my study of Hinduism.

I want to practice musical stuff and get better.  I'm terribly out of practice.  And for someone who is wanting to write and record his epic concept album, well, you need to be at your best.  

Let's see, what else.  Oh yeah, eat better, lose weight, whatever.  

So, dearies, I probably won't see you again until after the first of the year.  I wish you all peace of mind and peaceful lives.  Just keep saying this over and over:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.  

Until next time...

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