Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Four Eyed Couch Potato: or the joys of being a middle aged slacker.

As I was walking down the hall at work today there were two guys standing having a conversation.  As I passed them, I didn't say a thing not wanting to interrupt, one of them pointed at me and said to the other guy "that fella ain't right".  What?  Now, I know both of these guys and they know me pretty well, so it doesn't surprise me that they would say something.  And I'm not really disputing the claim.  It's just that it was unexpected and sort of out of no where.  All I had done was walk by, staring at the one guy (the speaker) with my creepiest wide-eyed unblinking stalker gaze.  What's wrong with that?

But he was right.  I, your humble narrator, am not right.  Not at all, Dearies.   I would say that about 8 out of 10 times, that is about four fifths of the time, I am not doing anything that is at all right.  Probably as much at 82.7% of the time whatever I happen to be doing is something that no good can come from.  That isn't to say that I am actively pursuing some endeavor that is in some way criminal or morally reprehensible.  It may well be that through my inaction I am not doing good simply by not doing anything at all. 

Why am I like this?  I don't know.  I'm not especially lazy.  In fact, being "not right" is very hard sometimes.  It takes a lot of time and effort to pull off wrongness.  It's sort of the same thing as when Dolly Parton said "it takes a lot of money to look this cheap" when talking about her wardrobe.  If I refocused this effort on doing good deeds and achieving personal and professional goals, I could be president or something.  Wouldn't that be a hoot, me in the oval office.  Things would be a little different around here. 

Of course this means that 17.2% of the time I am being responsible and doing honest productive things.  But in the grand scheme of things that is not much time at all.  What is that, about 4 hours a day?  About half the time I spend at work?  Or am I splitting it up like two hours a day or working at work and another two doing things I need to do at home?  Either way it ends up being that I spend much more time on my screwing around and being goofy activities than I do on anything else.  And I'm really fine with that.  Because, at the end of the day, I have fun. 

So, no, I ain't right.  But I'm not always wrong.  But I am happy. 

Until next time my Tender Lumplings...

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