Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I ask you all now, why? And I hope you, my Tender Lumplings, will answer me honestly and without hesitation or fear of retribution. These are some things that just make me ponder why. Not really pet peeves, though they do aggravate me upon occasion. But mostly just things I don't understand.

Why, when you meet someone in a hallway or at a door, do you say that person's name? Even if it is some one you see everyday. Or may have even seen only a few moments before. Are we reminding that person of their name? Are we reminding ourselves? Or, most likely, are we assuring that person that we know their name? Why? I know Bob ( or Tom or Susan or whatever) and they know I know them. I don't need to say "Hey, Bob" every time I see Bob. I don't understand.

Why, if I'm holding a door open for someone, do they put out their hand to hold the door open. If I'm holding it open, I'm not gonna let go while they are halfway through. It is very disrespectful of someone to do that. Now if I'm going through a door and hold it briefly while some one else is coming through behind me, then they can, and should, grab the door. But if I'm just standing there holding the door, do not grab the door. I don't understand.

Ok, last one.
Why can't humans realize that love is good, war is bad and we are all in this together. And living together with tolerance, sympathy, understanding and rationality is the only way to get through.

Ok, so now, one more thing. Someone told me that reading my blog scared them. I'd be lying to say this doesn't please me at least a little. But it was never my intention to frighten anyone. I also can't promise it won't happen again. Just stick with me and we may all learn something.

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