Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Frog in the Fireplace

It is strange the way a small thing can upset your entire life. A butterfly flaps it wings and all that. My weekend was going along pretty well even if it wouldn't stop raining. We got a lot of work done. Our old house is almost ready to go back on the market. I even was having what may have been the beginnings of a spiritual awakening or sorts. But then it happened.

I was sleeping somewhat peacefully. I had nodded off after reading for a while and my lovely wife was still up. Then she woke me with these words: "there is a frog in the fireplace". She had noticed the cat staring into the fireplace and then she saw why. A little tree frog stuck to the inside of the glass doors on the fireplace. It was so surreal. Especially to someone who had just regained consciousness.

So I had to get a plastic cup and scoop the little guy up and take him out. Everything turned out fine. But my sense of the world and how it works is forever damaged. I can't even look at the fireplace anymore with out wondering what sort or creature might crawl out of it next. I mean really, a frog? In the fireplace? How does that happen? What will it be next? I'll open the oven and find a giraffe. It wouldn't surprise me any less.

All in all not a bad weekend. It was way too short. It really flew by. And it was weird. Very, very weird. You know me, my Tender Lumplings, and that I am no stranger to weird. I love it. I thrive on it. But I cannot stress this enough: THERE WAS A FROG IN MY FIREPLACE!!!!

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