Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Mechanical Man

I have always thought of myself as being a pretty handy guy. I rarely shy away from a project requardless of its difficulty. I've repaired the brakes on my car. And I don't mean just the brake pads, we're talking about digging into the engine bay and replaceing big stuff. I've installed appliances like dishwashers (and only got shocked once). Usually this kind of thing goes smoothly and everything is great. But lately I have apparently lost whatever knack I had for this sort of thing has left me. The last several projects I have tackled have failed. Miserably. Especially anything haveing to do with something mechanical. I'm not going to go into specifics. That would be far too embarassing. Suffice it to say that my faith in my own handy man abilities has been shaken to the breaking point. From now on any jobs more complex than changing a light bulb or maybe painting a wall I will leave to the experts. Cost be damned. I'm by no means a rich man but sometimes the price is worth it. It is actually quite a relief. I don't have to worry about things anymore. Something not working right? Call the man. Something just went pop and all heck is breaking loose? Call the man. I'm a home owner and you are supposed to take care of stuff. Okay, I can do that. Give me the phone. Also in a way it pisses me off a lot. I've always been someone who never asks for help. I can do it. I don't need somebody else screwing everything up. If anyone is gonna make a mess of this situation it's gonna be me. So admitting I can't do something and that I may not know everything isn't easy. It's hard to admit you have limits. Especially when those limits have changed and things that were firmly with in their bounds no longer are. I can't help but think: what will I not be able to do next.

1 comment:

  1. This posted before I was ready. It didn't format the paragraphs like it was supposed too. I suspect there is some bad spelling. I know you, my Tender Lumplings, expect better from me. I am sorry.
