Monday, February 27, 2012

Good For You... Now Piss Off!

I have tried not to complain too much on this blog.  It is not, nor shall it ever be, my intention to use this as a platform for simply pointing out things that I dislike.  Yes, I will do that on occasion but I don't want to and will not allow it to become a frequent feature.  This blog is about more than that.  Sometimes it is about a lot less.  But still, my Tender Lumplings, I promise not to abuse my power here by assaulting you with my pet peeves. 

So, with that out of the way, I'm sure you all have already guessed what I am about to do.  But I will make it fast and then get on with some deep philosophical crap to make the few moments you spend here today worthwhile. 

The complaint:  I hate it when people use the phrase "If I can do it anyone can".  This is offensive to me on many levels.  One being that it is an out right lie.  Just because you have done something does not mean anyone else can achieve the same goal.  It is, in some cases, so far from the truth as to be insulting.  Say someone ran a marathon.  Does this mean my grandmother could also run a marathon?  No, of course she couldn't.  Does it mean a quadriplegic could run a marathon?  No, and it is terrible to say so.  Maybe someone wrote a book.  Does this mean the man in a coma at the hospital could write a book?  No. 

I think you see what I mean. 

The second reason I hate this phrase is the way it makes the person saying it out to be some sort of self confessed loser who has achieved some great feat.  Like these people had so little faith in themselves, thought so little of themselves, that somehow running that marathon or losing 20 pounds or getting a GED was some sort of miracle.  And if a completely worthless bag of crap like them could do it, so could anyone.  And we have already proven that to be wrong.  Is it supposed to inspire me?  If that waste of life can do can I!  No, sorry.  It just shows me how little people think of themselves and me. 

Maybe it is because I am intelligent enough to see through their crap.  Maybe it is because I have a positive opinion of myself and my self worth.  I know I can do great things.  I have done great things.  But I also know that just anyone else couldn't do the things I have done.  Or the things I will do.  For what ever reason.  I may have mental or physical capabilities that other do not.  I'm sure that there are things others can do that I could never do.  But I would never belittle myself, or my fellow beings, but saying that ridiculous phrase.

And now for that deep philosophical advice.  It comes to us from that great film Big Trouble In Little China.  "A brave man doesn't mind the feel of nature on his face. And a wise man knows when to get in out of the rain."  Until we meet again my dears.

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