Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hell Is A Capitalist State

Well, my Tender Lumplings, it is time once again to delve into the murky waters of my unconscious mind.  Yes, today we will be presenting another laugh filled edition of The Dream Journal.  Now several times before on this blog I have regaled you all with stories of my nocturnal travels though that dark and twisted landscape known as my dreams.  I have told you about the various place that I seem to frequent: the Top of The Mountain, the Motel, etc.  Today I will introduce you to a new location that I call The Marketplace. 

I don't know what town is exists in, probably the same town where the Motel is, but it is not anyplace that I have actually been in my waking life.  It is a single street, very long and straight, and there are a few streets that cross it.  There is one big main intersection that is wide and open with the buildings sitting well back from the corners.  There is a statue or fountain or something on one corner.  And this is the only place in the Marketplace where there is any traffic to speak of though you never have a problem crossing the street. 

The main feature of The Marketplace is the shops.  They are plentiful to say the least and one can find anything in them.  I mean ANYTHING.  Near the intersection they are mostly nice little stores selling nice little things. There are some lovely restaurants and cafes.  But the further one walks down the street the shops change.  I want to tell you about a couple of places that I visited just last night. 

There are two shops in The Marketplace that I visit fairly regularly: the music store and the comic shop.  They are both long, narrow shops that consist of one or two long aisles.  Depending on the dream they can sometimes be open air shops, like they are just rows of product set out along the sidewalk, but usually they are enclosed in building set right against a hillside.  They have to be long and thin to fit between the hillside and the street thus making the stores only about 8 feet deep and 100 feet long.  The music store has every album by every artist ever and a lot by artist that never existed.  The comic shop is filled with comic books and model car kits.  They are always packed with customers. 

Last night something strange happened.  I visited the marketplace and the shops were closed.  They have never been closed before.  The comic shop and the music store, which this time were both open to the elements, were also closed but because they had no building around them, I could just walk about and look at the stuff on the shelves.  There were a couple of other people walking around but I didn't know them.  It was very disturbing. 

Before I go I have to tell you about one other shop that I haven't been too in a long time.  It sits up an empty side street just off The Marketplace.  It is a dusty and dark, cramped little store.  But the treasures it holds are unimaginable.  Like Pandora opened her box and used the contents to open a pawn shop.  The wonders.  You can find your hearts desire and lose you soul at the same time.  I have spent many a long night lost in its magical aisles.  Some nights I didn't want to wake up. 

I hate those dreams the most.

Well, my Tender ones, that is The Marketplace.  Well, one side of the street at least.  Pray I never tell you about the other side.  Until then....

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