Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Memories of future pasts

Well my Tender Lumplings the days are once again, albeit slowly, getting longer as we make our way to spring.  Thought it may not seem like it right now we will soon feel the days warm and the trees will bloom.  And while this also means allergy season will start and for two months straight it will feel like someone is hammering a spike into my forehead.  But we won't linger on that. 

The important thing is I have, perhaps foolishly, been working on a list of things I wish to accomplish this spring.  It has gotten me to think about the whole idea of planning.  It is at it's core the very essence of optimism.  One cannot plan anything without believing that one will eventually reach a point where those plans will be either fulfilled or abandoned.  Whether it is either a simple weekend to do list or a freaking wedding, planning is a job for those feel good about the future. 

So what do I have on my list of chores?  Just the usual spring time type things: clean out the garage; paint the living room; that sort of thing.  And a few more ambitious challenges to but I'm not going to tell you about them just yet. 

The only problem I see with all of this is that at heart I kind of see myself as a pessimist.  The only thing I am really optimistic about is the fact that everything will eventually fail.  It's sort of like saying "the only thing that is constant is change" or, even more appropriate "I am positive everything is negative".  If this is so, if I am already predisposed to believe that I'll never actually complete any of the stuff on my to do list, then why even write the damn thing out.  Could it be that maybe I am an optimist after all?  Is there some part of me that thinks things may be OK?  I hope so.  That would be really cool.

Too bad it's all crap.  We're doomed.
Until next time...

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