Saturday, January 21, 2012

Trivial Pursuit

It occurred to me recently that I wanted, for some unknown reason, to post here for all my Tender Lumplings, some little know facts about myself. I know that most of you already know me quite well. There are only three or four of you that have ever read any of these blogs and you are all folks that, well, let's just say we've met. And any others who may have stopped by these pages have gotten a bit of an idea about who I am.

There are a lot of things that are well known about me. I love music and, though I'm not that good at it, I love playing guitar. I don't like being outdoors. And I refuse to wear the color black. There are stories behind all these things and behind the facts I will list in a moment, but I'm not going to go into them now. If any of you would like a more in-depth explanation about any of these bits of trivia just let me know and then watch this space.

So, here goes....
I think that the tinkle of wind chimes in the night is damn creepy sounding.
I love the phrase "sons of bitches".
I had an article published in a British fanzine for author Iain Banks.
I've met Larry Kirwan of the band Black 47.
I've never eaten at a Cheesecake Factory.
I spent Thanksgiving Day 1989 in Key West. Bad idea.
I can't juggle, but I can teach others to juggle.
I was once given the nickname "Figgie Newton".
I have a cat with a "mutant tooth".
I tell people my favorite color is purple but it is really yellow.
I had three freckles in the shape of and "L" on my left arm. After having poison ivy a couple of years ago one of them is gone.

And to answer a couple of questions I'm sure none of you have been asking. Tender Lumplings is a reference to Oingo Boingo and calling myself your humble Narrator is a nod to A Clockwork Orange. Just in case you were wondering.

Anywho, there you go. I'm really pleased with my blogging so far this year. Several entries and it is still January. This could get scary.

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