Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Take Off Your Headphones and Get Out!

Well my Tender Lumplings another year is upon us and I, your humble Narrator will, again, and just as foolishly as ever, vow to be more prolific in my endeavors to scribe more entries ... ah, heck, I'll try to blog more. There. I said it. I won't do it, but I said it. I won't make any lame excuses this time I'm just going to honest with you and say I'll try. Though we all know I will probably fail. My intentions are good, I really want to blog more and I will try.

There, now that that is over with I'll get on to today's topic. Stupid people. I know, they are everywhere and you will never be able to get rid of them. They make more everyday. If there is one thing that idiots are good at it is making more idiots. Seems to be their only purpose in life. Well, that and to mess things up for the rest of us. Usually we can avoid them or ignore them and pretend they aren't there. But every now and then one gets a microphone.

So, I'm driving home the other day and the DJ, a profession I myself have even held as some point long ago, opens his mouth and lets his idiot out. Now I know that DJs are paid to talk and they have to come up with stuff on the spot to fill in between commercials and songs and usually it is fine. No, their jokes are rarely funny and their "observations de la vie" are pointless and juvenile. But there is one area where they should not show their ignorance: music.

A DJ should know music. Maybe not everything about every kind of music, but have a working knowledge of the genre you are working in. Here is what happened:

The song playing was "Loser" by Beck. It ended and the DJ says "without a doubt the most nonsensical lyrics I have ever heard". Really? I grant you it is one of the top songs for not making much sense but "the most nonsensical" ever? Has this guy ever listened to music before? Probably never heard of Captain Beefheart, Zappa, Robyn Hitchcock? Even pop megastars REM were known for there crazy ass lyrics especially early in their career. "Automotive cheesecake jellybean boom". What the fuck was that about? And let us not forget a certain little band from England called, oh what was it, The Beatles I think. Seriously, what the hell is Lucy In The Skies about? "Boy you've been a naughty girl you let your face grow long"?

OK, maybe I'm nit picking. Maybe I'm making a mole hill from a mountain. The DJ dude was just talking out the hole on his head and wasn't thinking about what he was saying and just talking to kill time. But still, to me it made him sound like a yobbo who wouldn't know B B King from Bert and Ernie. Considering the history and current state of Knoxville TN radio, it is not surprising. The stations suck and they don't employ the top talent out there. They do the best they can I guess.

Still sucks.

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