Thursday, April 12, 2012

Humane Bean

Spring has sprung, my Tender Lumplings, and so of course things are beginning to be crazy.  Projects long planned and dreams long dreamed are once again brought out and dusted off and attempted.  I say "attempted" because I know from past experience that they usually don't make it too much further than the "attempted" stage.  But this time it will be different.  Really.  In fact several of the projects in progress have already gone further than I had expected.  So it all may really happen this time.  I'll keep you informed. 

But what I really want to talk a little bit about are humans.  More specifically the blatant stupidity and unsurpassed uselessness of them.  If it weren't for needing a few of them around to do the nasty stuff I don't want to do, I could quite happily do without humans.  And recently I have been reminded of this on many occasions.  Yesterday, for example, every human I came in contact with was extra dumb.  When you find yourself explaining the same very simple concept to someone over and over, both verbally and in writing, and they still cannot "get it", then something is very wrong.  Let's not even go into the completely ridiculous questions they were asking me. 

I hear you now.  I know what you are saying.  "But surely you must like someone?  Not all people are so pointless?"  You are right.  And also wrong.  I do like some people.  Quite a lot of them really but I have a theory that they, like myself, are not human.  We are something else, something more.  Not the next step in human evolution, no I think humans have just about run their course.  We are beyond human.  We are a separate, though physically similar, species.  It is the mental and emotional characteristics that set us apart mostly.  We are smarter and more emotionally attune to ourselves and one another.  We have a much better understanding of our place in the world and how we and it react to each other.  Our common sense is vastly more developed than your garden variety human.  And, if I may say so, we are more attractive as a whole than humans.  (However I do admit that there are some humans that, though they may be dumber than a bag of hammers, are freaking gorgeous.)

I believe it may have something to do with the idea of the "old soul".  Most religions believe that the "soul" or "life force" or whatever term they use, is eternal.  It exists beyond our physical bodies.  It is timeless and endless.  In the Bhagavad Gita the Lord Krishna says "there has never been a time when I did not exist.  And there will never be a time when I do not exist."  Some cultures believe we are born over and over again in a process called Re-incarnation.  Others, like Buddhist and Hindus think we are re-incarnated in hopes that after a while we will "get it right" and live a life so pure and selfless that we can earn or achieve peace and release from the cycle of rebirth. 

Perhaps we, the special ones, are the "old souls".  We have been around for a very long time and have lived these lives countless times and now we are learning.  Perhaps this time around will be when we "get it right".  We may all be close to our Nirvana.  A time when we are free of suffering and will join completely in Brahman for good. 

As for me personally, I don't think I'm quite there yet.  I may need another trip or two on this mud ball.  But I dearly hope you, my Tender Lumplings will have peace now and beyond. 

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