Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Have A Cunning Plan...

Well, my Tender Lumplings, I have to confess I am quite pleased with my amount of posting I've managed so far this year.  My goal is to post as much as I can and hopefully match or surpass my best year which I believe is about 18 posts.  But I have not and will not compromise my rule of only posting when I have something specific to talk about.  This is one of the things that causes the long silences.  I don't want this page to become just a outlet for meaningless meanderings.  I can't just tell you about my day and what I had for lunch.  That would be worse than boring.  But it would make it much easier to post more often. 

For example, I have several projects in the works right now that I would like to tell you all about.  But I won't.  That is not for this blog.  This is not a journal or a diary.  How sad and pointless would that be to write about such things.  "Today I went to the store for some chocolate milk.  But all they had was a jug of non-dairy chocolate drink. I didn't buy it."  Of course I didn't buy it.  Who the fuck would buy non-dairy chocolate drink?  And why would I write about it?  And why would you read about it? 

This is not to say that things that happen in my daily trip on this spinning ball of mud don't influence what I discuss here.  Of course it would work that way.  Like when I have one of those crazy dreams or that whole poison ivy debacle a few years back.  But I didn't just relate an account of the happening.  These events spark questions that feed ideas that turn into ponderings that I share with you, my dearies.  And I hope you gain a little something from them.  I hope they make you think and question.  I want you to have your own spark and maybe even nurture it into a flame of inquisition that consumes you and all around you until knowledge and truth and a greater understanding of the universe and all of us and everything is drawn out into the light of that conflagration so that we can all see it and learn and live free from worry and hypocrisy.

And that, my Tender Lumplings, is one of the longest sentences I ever wrote. 

As you may have guess, when I began to compose this post I had no clear idea of what I wanted to talk about.  I usually always have at least some idea before I start and it is waiting for those ideas that cause me to not post for long periods.  Starting a post without a clue as to its topic is something I avoided on purpose until today.  This was an experiment to see what would happen.  Now we know.  I think I need to go back to making sure I have an idea first.  Or else I, your humble Narrator, will have to change my name to the Rambling Random Babbler.  Until next time.

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