Thursday, August 13, 2009

Doo Wacka Doo

Sometimes I wish there were more than just one of me. I have all these ideas of things I want to do but the problem is A: not enough time to do them and 2: I'm kind of lazy. So I need either more time or some extra me's to help. I've looked into the time thing. It's really hard to get around or at least bend the laws of science and nature. It can be done with enough power but that is a whole other problem. Generating energy is simple but extremely laborious and time consuming. I direct you back to point 2 above, I'm lazy and anything laborious and time consuming is pretty much right out.

So how do you make more time with out working at it? First you have to ask this question: Do you want more time or just better use of the available time? I'm not sure how to make more time. Can you insert extra minutes? If so, how many? One new minute per existing five? Sure, that would work. An extra 12 minutes an hour would be great. But that would take some pondering to figure out.

Slowing down time would work only if you didn't slow down with it. If you could work at full speed while the rest of existence passed in half or quarter time. You could get a lot done but only if you can get past the lure of using this power to become a super hero or villain. Guess which one I would choose.

That leaves me with only the option of create more copies of me to get things done. I figure if one lazy me can get some stuff done over time, then a whole bunch should get a lot done. The technology is there to do this. The big problem is I have a suspicion that I'm really not gonna like these guys. I love me, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I would be very fond of another me. And would it be suicide if I killed one of them?

What it all boils down to is that I have a bunch of stuff I want to do and I don't have the time or will to get it done. I just have to get my ass up and get going.

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