Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Jesus Tree

Well, a lot has happened since we last spoke, my Tender Lumplings. I have been to the heights of mans achievements and felt the bitter sting of defeat. I have been weightless with euphoria and struck motionless by the pain of despair. What could have taken me through such extremes of the human condition? How did I come to experience the aphelion and perihelion of life's orbit? This I cannot answer other than to say it is but the whim of the Gods.

In the last week or so I have successfully repaired my car but broke another bit of it in the process. This other bit I also fixed but only after some time spent pissed about having broken it in the first place. I have spent fairly substantial amounts of money recently and have only a little to show for it. I have been laid low by physical pain that both invigorated and debilitated me.

And the other night while walking my dog I saw a face in the bark of a tree in my backyard. The play of light and shadow upon the rough surface of the giant silver maple took on the form of the human visage. At first I couldn't tell if it was the face of Jesus or the Unibomber. I was really hoping for Jesus, mostly because of the potential for monetary gain. "Come one and all! For the mere price of only five American dollars you can see the amazing Jesus Tree!" T-Shirt sales alone would be unbelievable.

But sadly it was not to be. The face really didn't look like anyone. Just a face with no bottom lip and a lazy eye. Not like the swirling pattern in my bathroom tile that clearly displays the face of Adolf Hitler. Or the snarling ape that looked back at me from the faux burl walnut trim on the dash of my Mom's Delta 88 Olds.

I can't even begin to describe the dreams of late. My slumbering mind has out done itself with the images and themes it has been producing. There was one in which I truly believe I did travel, physically, to another location. If my wife had rolled over at that moment she would have found the left side of the bed empty. Well, there may have been a cat there but not me. I could feel the grass between my fingers. I was there. I had to be. At least in that one it was a nice place to be. I usually wouldn't wish my worst enemy into the places I dream about. I have been dreaming those sort of dream alot lately too. But I'm used to it now. Mostly. But I never know what is coming next.

So now I'll just sit back and wait for that package to arrive. It is going to be fun.

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