Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stings and Gasoline

Well, it’s been several days since we last met. I bet you were all worried. “What happen?” you were saying. “Where is he? I hope he is ok.” I can just see you now, huddled together at the coffee shop. Your rushed whispers passing over the table like the hot winds of the Sahara, swirling the foam on the top of your half-caf non-fat latte. But never you fear my tender lumplings for I am quite fine. Merely busy with the trappings of life.

I must confess I have had some misfortune befall me. Whilst mowing my quite capacious lawn I trod on a nest of despicable little beasts know at the common Eastern Yellowjacket. An especially foul little hornet who felt the need to sting me for disturbing them. You can be assured of there imminent demise. With in hours I will fight them again and, in the words of the Dark Lord himself they “will loose, everything.”

So, other than that nasty business most things have been fine. You find me healthy and mostly happy. I could complain but what good could come of it. Until we meet again…

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